sales leader

CSO, CRO, VP of Sales: Which Leader Fits Your Company? Which Fits You?

For a growing company, more than half of revenue comes from existing customers. The CRO has clear revenue generation processes and resources to maximize up-sell, cross-sell, and renewals. The CRO is maniacal about customer satisfaction and has established metrics to measure it.

Who Fits the CRO Role? 

A well-rounded CRO has the same experience and C-level savvy as the CSO but thinks more holistically about growth.

Other characteristics include:

  • She knows how to identify leverageable revenue opportunities and where to double down on resources
  • She is passionate about building long-term customer value and closing customers
  • She is as comfortable in marketing circles as sales circles; establishes strategic and operational focus
  • She is data-driven and skillful with strategic/business unit revenue and budget planning

The table below compares each role based on scope, objectives, and the metrics that define success:

Blog Chart

Which Role Does Your Business Need?

VP of Sales is best if pipeline execution and sales team management are important for revenue success. Sales channels and revenue model are typically well-defined. What’s most important is building/managing the sales process and team capabilities.

CSO is the best fit for larger, complex organizations where overarching sales strategy is as important as sales execution. Leadership will rationalize or rethink sales go-to-market and resources after events like M&A, competitive shifts, or new company strategy. You have established executing sales managers/VPs, but also need leadership to drive change and long-term strategy.

CRO (or CGO) is a great option for similar circumstances described above for a CSO, but when you also need cohesive revenue strategy. CRO is a better solution for businesses with multiple paths to market and revenue sources. SaaS companies are an obvious fit. For the business-seeking CRO, sustainable growth is the number one priority.

With the right person in the right role, your company can position itself to maximize value. It allows you to over-deliver on sales and growth objectives.

Every organization faces different challenges. This can make it hard to pinpoint which sales leader best fits. Contact us to best define your leadership roles.

About The Author

Author photo Masami combines the market focus and execution of a Marketing VP with the critical, data-driven orientation of a seasoned strategist. Masami is passionate about the integration of sales and marketing and helps organizations take a disciplined approach to defining sales and marketing process and enabling technologies. Over the last 25 years, Masami has served as a strategy consultant and marketing leader across Fortune 500 to start-up environments.

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