Smarter Sales Enablement Blog | The Brevet Group

Leading Through Change: Managers as Compass and Cushion

Written by Brian Williams, PhD | Jul 24, 2024 3:58:14 PM

Change in today’s sales organizations is constant. For front-line sales managers, navigating their teams through disruption is now a core job requirement.

Great sales leaders are masters of change management.

They embrace their role as guides while simultaneously absorbing the negative shocks that often come with change. In other words, they are both a compass and a cushion.

From Brevet’s change experience across hundreds of clients, a set of winning strategies have emerged. Let’s explore the ingredients to successful change management for sales managers.

Understanding the Landscape of Change

Sales teams face a myriad of changes: GTM models. Tech, process, and workflows. Targets and incentives. Roles and responsibilities. Solution focus and competitive dynamics. And the list goes on.

These changes can feel overwhelming and disruptive, but they also signal opportunities for growth and innovation. As a sales leader, it’s essential to recognize the degree and nature of change your team is facing. The impact will vary from person to person. Are they embracing and adapting, or are they actively resisting? Closely monitoring reactions is the first step in your role as change leaders.

Key Strategies for Leading Through Change

  1. Communicate the ‘Why’ - One of the most critical steps in leading through change is clear communication. Your team needs to understand the rationale behind the changes. Providing context and justification can ease tensions and help your team see the bigger picture. This transparency builds trust and helps team members feel more secure amid uncertainty.

  2. Hear Their Concerns - Initial resistance to change is common and should be expected. It’s important to create an environment where team members feel heard. Actively listen to their concerns and validate their feelings. This doesn't mean agreeing with every point, but acknowledging their perspective can go a long way in reducing resistance. This is also key to fostering a collaborative atmosphere.

  3. Partner in Activation - Change should not be something that happens to your team, but something they are part of. Work collaboratively to implement changes and encourage innovation in new strategies. By involving your team in the process, you help them take ownership of the changes. This leads to higher engagement and better outcomes.

  4. Hold Them Accountable - Amidst the noise of change, it’s crucial to maintain focus on your goals. Ensure that your team remains accountable for their targets and that they understand the importance of adapting to the new ways of working. Accountability doesn’t just mean monitoring performance but also providing the necessary support and resources to help them succeed.



Turning Change into Opportunity

Resist the temptation to frame change as negative. A sales leader’s role is to position change as a positive force. Shift your team’s mindset to view ‘the new’ as a sign that the organization is evolving, growing, and responding.

Adapting Leadership Styles

Each team member will respond to change differently, influenced by their experience, adaptability, and personal circumstances. New hires might be more open to change as they are still learning the ropes. Seasoned reps might resist alterations to established routines. Effective sales leaders adapt their leadership style to meet these varying needs. This might require more coaching and support for those struggling to adapt or empowering those who are ready to embrace and lead the change.

Building a Collaborative Environment

Creating a collaborative environment is essential for successful change management. When team members feel like they are part of the decision-making process, even if their influence is minimal, they are more likely to buy in. Encourage a culture of open communication, where feedback is encouraged, and collective problem-solving is the norm. Collaboration not only improves adoption but also spurs innovation as team members feel valued and heard.

Practical Actions for Sales Leaders

To help your team overcome resistance and navigate through change effectively, consider the following actions:

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule frequent one-on-one and team meetings to discuss progress, address concerns, and celebrate small wins.
  • Tailored Support: Provide personalized coaching and development opportunities to help team members adjust and thrive in the new environment.
  • Recognition and Incentives: Acknowledge and reward those who embrace and champion change. This also sets a positive example for others.
  • Feedback Loops: Implement mechanisms for continuous feedback, allowing for adjustments and improvements in the change process.

Moving Forward

Front-line sales managers play a pivotal role in helping their teams navigate the complexities of change. By communicating effectively, collaborating in activation, and maintaining accountability, change becomes a powerful catalyst for success. Embrace the journey of change with confidence. Know that change in sales organizations will continue and will accelerate. 

Explore our customized sales manager training programs as a proven way to raise change savvy of leaders. And if you’re in the planning stage of a change initiative or struggling to execute, Brevet is here to help. Contact us for more insights to ensure your success.