
Smarter Selling

Insights that accelerate your sales performance

Sales kickoffs

Modern Sales Enablement

Your Best Commercial Kick-Off Ever (No Taylor Swift Needed)

The bar for successful sales kickoffs is rising. Here are 5 ways to ensure your kickoff hits the mark and drives results.

Sales Managers as Change Agents

sales leadership

Leading Through Change: Managers as Compass and Cushion

Discover practical change management strategies for sales managers so they become change agents and drive team success in evolving environments.

Effective MEDDPICC deal reviews

Deal Coaching

The Deal Review Dilemma: Surface Skimming vs. Strategic Depth

How to bring MEDDPICC to life with stronger manager deal coaching.

Advanced Sales Training

The Must-Haves for a Successful Global Sales Training Program

Before launching a global implementation, take a deep breath. There are significant risks to any global sales training program. Some of the risks are...

modern selling

The Greatest Tool for Getting Deals ‘Unstuck’

Sales organizations are facing slower deal cycles and more losses to no decision. Download this workbook to better equip your Champion for deal success.

How to Activate Your Customer Champion

sales methodology

How to Advance Complex Deals Right Now

Deal velocity is slowing. No decision losses are growing. There are 4 specific strategies sellers should take to fully activate their Champion to help.

Sales Kickoff Conference, Sales Enablement

Modern Sales Enablement

Rethinking the SKO: 5 Actions to Take Now

Leading companies are rethinking sales kickoffs. Here are 5 new strategies to turn next year's SKO into a launchpad for the revenue enablement strategy.

Modern Sales Enablement, Sales Training, Sales Consulting

Company News

New Year, New Beginnings: Brevet Merges with Symmetrics

Navigating change is table-stakes for sellers and managers. We're creating the leading sales consulting, sales training, and sales enablement firm.

Sales Leadership

Modern Sales Enablement

Confessions of a Fired Chief Sales Officer

Congratulations, you've made it to sales leadership. Learn a few secrets to staying there, including some surprisingly common mistakes made by new leaders.

Sales Management

Modern Sales Enablement

When it Finally Clicks: Behavioral Coaching Makes All the Difference

Behavioral sales coaching focuses on diagnosing and improving underlying rep activities vs. inspecting outcomes. Done right, it can transform performance.

sales management

Front-Line Sales Leadership: What Works Now

Most managers already know the importance of sales coaching. What they’re struggling with is how to do it efficiently in today's virtual operating model. 

Sales Management

sales management

Sales Leadership Excellence: A Virtual Master Class

Brevet has partnered with TCU's Sales Center to host a virtual class on modern sales management. Be part of this event and help young sales professionals.

Sales Statistics

Sales Enablement

21 Mind-Blowing Stats | COVID Edition

Whether you're a sales rookie or a veteran, these 21 stats on cold calling, social selling & sales training will inspire you to improve the way you sell.

Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement

How to Navigate Today's Buying Dynamics

Today's organizational decision-making has dramatically changed. Learn more about the new buyer reality and how your reps should respond to close deals.


Selling in Uncertain Times

What Does Sales Enablement Do During Our Current COVID-19 Situation?

With live meetings and other programs on hold, sales enablement needs to refocus and re-prioritize. Here are the vital few actions that matter most now.

sales training

Onboarding A New Salesperson: The Mistake that Lengthens New Hire Ramp

Onboarding a new salesperson is at the top of the “to-do” list for any business that invests in sales enablement.

Sales Messaging

Rethink Your Definition of a Deal Champion

The concept of deal champion, advocate, or coach has been around a long time. Without question, they're the most important person in modern deal strategy.

cross selling metrics

sales leadership

Why Your Cross-Selling Strategies Aren't Working

Every sales leader has the same complaint: Our reps can't sell other products to current customers. Addressing this takes much more than product training.

Advanced Sales Training

Change Management: A Critical Skill Missing from Modern Sales Toolkits

Modern selling has little to do with the seller. It’s about the buyer embracing their decision process about change. Today's best are change consultants.

Sales Messaging

Sales Content: Cracking The Sales Code

Companies need a strategy for designing, organizing, and managing sales content. This is also the key to a strong partnership across marketing and sales.