Smarter Sales Enablement Blog | The Brevet Group

What Does Your Chief Sales Officer Expect of You? | A HPE Case Study

Written by Dan Perry | Oct 6, 2017 9:05:16 PM

We’re headed to Dallas on October 26th for the Sales Enablement Society conference: Experience Sales Enablement 2017.  Steve King, formerly of HPE, and I will lead a session to present:

“What Does Your CSO Expect of You?: A Case Study on Hewlett Packard Enterprise”

Sales Enablement – Why Should I Care?

Sales enablement is crucial to your sales team’s performance, but so many leaders are avoiding updating their approach. Whether you’re part of a large organization, or only have a few sales reps, the way you enable your team is impactful. In order to increase productivity, you must consider providing the right materials to the right people at the right time. That’s what sales enablement is all about.

How HPE Turned their Sales Enablement Around 

The case study-based presentation will dive deep into how HPE altered their sales enablement to improve the company as a whole. They will describe how HPE deployed a new sales enablement program that:

  • Increased win rate by over 18%
  • Improved average sales price over 12%
  • Boosted sales velocity 23%
  • Reduced turnover 13%

In Dallas, Steve and I will discuss what they did, how they executed it across 15K reps, and what is sustaining the effort.

Visit for more information. We hope to see you there!